May 09, 2008

Data centers in a box? Skeptics abound.

Microsoft's Mike Manos delivered a keynote at the recent Data Center World spring conference.  Microsoft and Sun are both proponents of packing thousands of servers into "plug and play" 40-foot shipping containers.  Computerworld asked several industry experts what they think of this approach and Manos responds in an article titled
6 reasons why Microsoft's container-based approach to data centers won't work.

by Will Runyon May 9, 2008 in Design, Energy Efficiency, Who's Who


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There are always skeptics telling innovators why something can't be done (a couple of years before they do it)

Posted by: Mikes Air Conditioning Repair | May 14, 2008 3:53:59 AM

I would be highly interested on the authors opinion on IBM containers and HP containers. Maybe they will work, because they are not based on Windows...

Posted by: Roland Judas | Jun 18, 2008 9:08:53 AM

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